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Located in Kabuga, Keza Sewing School equips and empowers local vulnerable women with skills needed to break cycles and change the course of their families. In addition to skills necessary for these women to generate income, Keza sewing school offers community, mentorship, and devotional time. The women in our program come from backgrounds of abuse, rape, trafficking, and abandonment by husbands. Our childcare program provides young mothers a chance to learn a life changing skill which is a rare opportunity once they become mothers. To support Keza School, click here.

In Summer of 2023, we shifted our programs to make them more centric to our center in Kabuga. We noticed that many of the children had gaps in their learning either from poor education or having gaps in their education due to financially not being able to attend school. The parents of these children also struggled to provide basic needs so in January of 2024, we began providing 3 meals per day for our Kabuga Kids. Many of the children had previously received only 1 meal per day if that. 

We now also have a Youth Pastor on staff that engages with the children daily providing Bible studies, prayer time, worship time, choir practice, and other fun activities for the children. We are so grateful to our many sponsors that make this work possible. We currently have 20 children enrolled and participating in our program which means 60 meals per day are currently being provided for our children in Kabuga. As we grow in partners, we will be able to enroll more families in our Kabuga Kids program. 

Kayovu Kids is our rural children's program initiated in March 2024. Alphonsine, one of our foster parents, started gathering the village children to try and feed them porridge each day and do educational activities with them. Each trip out to visit her, the village children would come visit us. Their clothes were always rags and some had visible medical issues. We knew many of their parents struggled to find consistent work in the rural area. Alphonsine showed us the limited resources and toys she had for the children. We knew that with the partnership of our sponsors, we could make a huge difference in this rural area. We are in the beginning phases of building up this program as we seek sponsorships for the children to help provided the needed resources.

In July 2024, we were able to bring clothes made by our sewing students for all of the children as well as some toys for Alphonsine to have on hand. As we find sponsors for our Kayovu Kids, we will continue to grow our impact in this area.